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Plague Inc Premium APK: The Best Way to Play the Game without Unlimited DNA

Plague Inc Premium Apk No Unlimited DNA: A Guide for Beginners

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to create and spread a deadly disease that could wipe out humanity? If so, you might enjoy playing Plague Inc, a strategy-simulation game that lets you do just that. Plague Inc is one of the most popular games on the iOS App Store and Google Play Store, with over 160 million downloads as of May 2021. The game is so realistic that the CDC even invited the developer to speak about the infection models in the game.

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Plague Inc is a free game, but it also offers a premium version that unlocks more features and content. For example, you can access 10 different disease types, 23 unique scenarios, speed runs, real-life scenarios, and more. However, some players may not like the fact that the premium version also comes with unlimited DNA points, which are used to evolve your disease. Unlimited DNA points can make the game too easy and boring, as you can buy any trait you want without any challenge or strategy.

If you are one of those players who prefer a more balanced and realistic gameplay experience, you may be interested in downloading Plague Inc premium apk no unlimited DNA. This is a modified version of the game that gives you all the benefits of the premium version without the unlimited DNA points. In this article, we will show you how to download Plague Inc premium apk no unlimited DNA, and give you some tips and tricks for playing the game.

How to Download Plague Inc Premium Apk No Unlimited DNA

Before you download Plague Inc premium apk no unlimited DNA, you need to make sure that your device meets the minimum requirements for running the game. You need an Android device with at least Android 4.1 or higher, and at least 100 MB of free storage space. You also need to enable unknown sources in your device settings, so that you can install apps from outside the Google Play Store.

Next, you need to find a reliable source for downloading Plague Inc premium apk no unlimited DNA. There are many websites that offer apk files for various games and apps, but not all of them are safe and trustworthy. Some of them may contain malware or viruses that can harm your device or steal your personal information. To avoid such risks, we recommend using [APKCombo](^12^), a reputable website that provides free and secure apk downloads for Android users.

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To download Plague Inc premium apk no unlimited DNA from APKCombo, follow these steps:

  • Go to [APKCombo](^12^) on your browser.

  • Type "Plague Inc" in the search box and hit enter.

  • Select "Plague Inc" from the list of results.

  • Scroll down to find the latest version of Plague Inc premium apk no unlimited DNA. It should have a file size of about 82 MB.

  • Click on "Download APK" and wait for the download to finish.

Once you have downloaded Plague Inc premium apk no unlimited DNA, you need to install and run it on your device. To do so, follow these steps:

  • Locate the downloaded apk file on your device's file manager or downloads folder.

  • Tap on the apk file and confirm the installation.

  • Allow the app to access your device's resources and permissions.

  • Wait for the app to finish installing and launch it.

To verify that the apk has no unlimited DNA, you can check the game settings and see if there is an option to enable or disable unlimited DNA. If there is no such option, then you have successfully installed Plague Inc premium apk no unlimited DNA. You can now enjoy playing the game with all the premium features and content, but without the unlimited DNA points.

Tips and Tricks for Playing Plague Inc

Plague Inc is a game that requires a lot of strategy and planning. You need to create and evolve a disease that can infect and kill the entire world population, while avoiding detection and cure by the humans. The game offers different modes, difficulty levels, disease types, and scenarios to challenge your skills and creativity. Here are some tips and tricks for playing Plague Inc:

  • Choose a suitable disease type and starting country. Different disease types have different advantages and disadvantages, such as transmission methods, symptoms, abilities, and mutations. For example, bacteria are more resistant to antibiotics, but more vulnerable to hot and cold climates. Viruses are more prone to random mutations, but harder to cure. Fungi are more difficult to spread, but can release spores to infect new countries. You should also consider the starting country's climate, population, wealth, and health care system. For example, starting in a poor and densely populated country like India or China can help you spread faster, but also attract more attention from the authorities. Starting in a rich and isolated country like Greenland or New Zealand can help you avoid detection, but also limit your infectivity.

  • Balance infectivity, severity, and lethality. Infectivity is how easily your disease can spread from person to person. Severity is how noticeable and harmful your disease is to the infected people. Lethality is how likely your disease is to kill the infected people. You need to balance these three factors carefully, depending on your strategy and situation. Generally, you want to increase your infectivity first, so that you can reach more countries and people. Then, you want to increase your severity gradually, so that you can earn more DNA points and slow down the cure research. Finally, you want to increase your lethality sharply, so that you can kill everyone before they find a cure.

  • Adapt to different scenarios and events. Plague Inc has many scenarios and events that can affect your gameplay and outcome. Some of them are based on real-life situations, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, the Black Death, or the zombie apocalypse. Some of them are based on fictional scenarios, such as the Planet of the Apes, the vampire plague, or the necroa virus. You need to adapt your strategy and tactics according to these scenarios and events, as they can change the rules and conditions of the game. For example, in the COVID-19 scenario, you need to deal with lockdowns, social distancing, masks, vaccines, and variants. In the necroa virus scenario, you need to create zombies that can infect and kill humans.


Plague Inc is a fun and challenging game that lets you unleash your inner evil genius. You can create and spread a deadly disease that can wipe out humanity in various ways. You can also enjoy the premium version of the game that unlocks more features and content. However, if you don't like the unlimited DNA points that come with the premium version, you can download Plague Inc premium apk no unlimited DNA instead. This way, you can have a more balanced and realistic gameplay experience.

If you are interested in downloading Plague Inc premium apk no unlimited DNA, you can follow our guide above on how to find a reliable source, how to install and run the apk file, and how to verify that the apk has no unlimited DNA. You can also use our tips and tricks on how to play Plague Inc effectively and strategically.

We hope you found this article helpful and informative. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below. And if you want to learn more about Plague Inc or support the developer, you can visit their [official website]. Thank you for reading!


  • Is Plague Inc premium apk no unlimited DNA safe?

Yes, Plague Inc premium apk no unlimited DNA is safe if you download it from a reputable source like APKCombo. However, you should always be careful when downloading any apk file from unknown sources, as they may contain malware or viruses that can harm your device or steal your personal information.

  • Is Plague Inc premium apk no unlimited DNA legal?

Plague Inc premium apk no unlimited DNA is not legal, as it is a modified version of the game that violates the terms and conditions of the developer and the Google Play Store. However, it is unlikely that you will face any legal consequences for downloading and using it, as long as you do not distribute it to others or use it for commercial purposes.

  • What are the benefits of Plague Inc premium apk no unlimited DNA?

Plague Inc premium apk no unlimited DNA has many benefits, such as:

  • You can access all the premium features and content of the game, such as 10 different disease types, 23 unique scenarios, speed runs, real-life scenarios, and more.

  • You can play the game without any ads or in-app purchases.

  • You can have a more balanced and realistic gameplay experience, as you have to earn your DNA points by infecting and killing people, rather than having unlimited DNA points.

  • What are the drawbacks of Plague Inc premium apk no unlimited DNA?

Plague Inc premium apk no unlimited DNA also has some drawbacks, such as:

  • You may not be able to update the game to the latest version, as the apk file may not be compatible with the new updates.

  • You may not be able to access some online features of the game, such as multiplayer mode, leaderboards, achievements, and cloud saving.

  • You may encounter some bugs or glitches in the game, as the apk file may not be optimized for your device or operating system.

  • How can I get unlimited DNA points in Plague Inc?

If you want to get unlimited DNA points in Plague Inc, you have two options:

  • You can buy the premium version of the game from the Google Play Store or the iOS App Store, which gives you unlimited DNA points by default.

  • You can download Plague Inc premium apk with unlimited DNA from a website like APKCombo, which gives you unlimited DNA points as a modification.

However, we do not recommend using unlimited DNA points in Plague Inc, as it can ruin the fun and challenge of the game. It can also make the game too easy and boring, as you can buy any trait you want without any strategy or difficulty. 44f88ac181

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